Why does a dog eat poop?

Dogs eat poop on occasion. This might seem gross, but dogs have their reasons. It’s not because they are gluttonous or that they like the taste of it. Dogs eat poop for the same reason humans do: nutrients that aren’t absorbed by the body. In nature, a dog will most likely find poop when eating an animal carcass or searching for buried bones. A dog who eats poop might be trying to get essential vitamins and minerals by recycling them from another animal’s waste. There could be something missing in his regular food (like Vitamin A, found in liver) that he can get from poop, or he may need a little fiber (from grass) to help with digestion.

When a dog eats poop, he is eating something his own body couldn’t digest. This can be any type of feces, but it’s usually the poo of other animals (especially herbivores). This is because dog’s have different digestive systems than other animals. Dogs aren’t able to digest cellulose, the main component of plant matter, like cows and sheep. This is why they only eat meat. Dog’s have a different way of digesting their food than humans do. It’s more of a mechanical process, instead of chemical. Dogs are carnivores and their bodies are designed to break down meat. Humans are omnivores, so we can digest a wider range of food, including plants.

Why do dogs eat their own poop?

Dogs have a few reasons for doing this, but most of the time they are just trying to remove something they don’t need. When a dog consumes something that is indigestible, his body may not know how to get rid of it. The dog could regurgitate the items to get it out of his body. If he eats something like grass, he might just spit it out because his body knows to get rid of it as a waste product. Dogs may also be trying to unearth a toy or bone (or even another animal’s poop) that they buried under the ground.

Why do dogs eat the poo of other animals?

One reason dogs may eat poop is to get the nutrients their bodies can’t get from their food. A dog’s normal diet includes meat and vegetables that are rich in protein and vitamins. Some essential nutrients, like Vitamin A, are best absorbed by the body when eaten with fat. Dog’s aren’t able to get every little bit of nutrition out of his normal diet, especially if his food is low in fat. This is especially true for certain vitamins like Vitamin A, iron, and calcium.

Dogs may be eating poop to help digestion

Dogs who eat poop might be trying to get the vitamins and minerals they miss out on in their regular diet. Dogs can’t get all the vitamins they need from meat alone because their digestive system can’t absorb it. A dog’s digestive system is designed to break down proteins, not vitamins and minerals. This is a big reason why dogs eat poop. They may be eating poop for the minerals, like calcium, and vitamins, like Vitamin A, that are needed for a healthy body. Vitamin A is found in liver, but dogs who don’t get enough of it in their regular diet may turn to poop for supplementation.

Dogs may be trying to get specific vitamins and minerals

Dog’s who eat poop may be trying to get specific vitamins and minerals. This could include things like Vitamin A, calcium, or iron. Dogs can’t get enough of certain vitamins and minerals from their diet. This is especially true for dogs who eat a commercial low-fat diet. Low-fat diets are good for dogs with sensitive stomachs, but they don’t provide enough Vitamin A and calcium. People can get these vitamins from other sources, like fortified food (cereal, bread, yogurt) and supplements. Dogs who eat low-fat diets can’t get any extra vitamins from these sources. Dogs who eat poop may be after the calcium and Vitamin A found in herbivore poop.


Dogs eat poop to get the essential nutrients they need, but they can’t get from their regular diet. Dog’s who eat other animals’ poop may be after the calcium and Vitamin A found in herbivore poop. Dog’s who eat their own poop may be trying to get iron as well. Iron is found in the blood of herbivores. Dog’s who eat poop may be trying to get the vitamins and minerals they miss out on in their regular diet after eating something indigestible.

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