What Should a Dog Do All Day? – The Best Ways to Keep Your Dog Busy, Happy and Safe while You’re at Work

Did you know that 42% of dogs in the U.S. are considered to be “alone” at some point during the day, according to a 2018 PetSmart Charities Report on Pet Food insecurity? Also, a survey of 2,000 dog owners found that two-thirds have to leave their pups home alone for long periods of time. This means that the majority of dogs don’t have another friend or family member to keep them from being lonely. The effects of being alone for so much time can be devastating for both dogs and their owners. Dogs can become depressed, anxious and destructive when they’re left alone too long. There are plenty of great benefits for your dog if you find a way to keep them busy while you’re not there. However, it could be challenging for you to leave your dog home alone without worrying about what might happen to them and their belongings.

The benefits of keeping your dog busy while you’re at work

As we mentioned, the biggest benefit to keeping your dog busy while you’re at work is to help them avoid becoming anxious and destructive. Dogs are very social animals, so they can get lonely and depressed when they don’t have another friend or family member to talk with. There are also health benefits to keeping your dog busy when you’re at work. Keeping your dog busy may help prevent or even reverse canine cognitive impairment, otherwise known as Dementia. This can be caused by a variety of alterations in your pet’s life, including changes in their diet, exercise routine, even the amount of sleep they get! Being busy can also help prevent your dog from gaining weight, which can happen if you don’t have enough things for them to do while you’re gone.

Dog-proofing your home before leaving them alone

Before leaving your dog home alone for the first time, you may want to consider dog-proofing your place a bit. Depending on how long you’ll be gone, your dog may be able to chew through things like shoe laces, power cords or even furniture. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right? Keep in mind that even a dog with a good track record of chewing things up at home may “forget” their manners while you’re gone. If you leave things out that you don’t want chewed up, put them away. You may also want to put away or even get rid of anything that has sentimental value to you.

Finding a reliable pet sitter or doggy day care

If you know you’ll be away from home for more than a couple of hours, consider looking into pet sitters in your area. A pet sitter will come to your home and care for your dog while you’re away. Doggy day care is another great solution for dogs who need a little more socialization and stimulation than staying at home alone all day can offer. Day care facilities are usually open from morning until night, which can provide your dog with a full day of activities and the chance to meet and play with other dogs.

Dog Busy Box or Bag

A dog busy box is a type of toy that is designed to keep dogs entertained and mentally stimulated. The box typically contains a variety of different objects, such as balls, bones, and chew toys, that the dog can play with. A dog busy box is a good way to keep your dog occupied and mentally stimulated when you’re not around. You can make your own busy bag to customize it to things your dog likes. You can make it as easy or difficult as you need it to be by mixing and matching the toys inside, adding new toys as your dog gets better at the current ones, and choosing different fabrics and materials for each bag.

Kong Toy and treats combination

A classic toy that takes very little effort to keep busy is the Kong Toy. The Kong is a hollow toy with a hole in the middle. You can stuff the Kong with treats, peanut butter or even canned dog food to keep your dog happily busy for hours. Once your dog figures out how to get the food out of the Kong, you can change things up a bit by freezing the food inside the Kong or washing it out and putting a new treat inside. The Kong can be used for more than just treats and food. You can put your dog’s regular dog food inside the Kong to slow them down from eating it too quickly. Kong makes a variety of different toys that can keep your dog busy with the same simple principle.

And finally, building a dog enrichment program at home!

A dog enrichment program is basically a way to enrich your dog’s life by giving them more opportunities to socialize and use their instincts. In addition to daily walks, the ASPCA recommends visiting a dog park at least once a week, providing a variety of toys and puzzles for your dog to solve, and spending time with your dog so that they get used to your scent. You may also want to consider training your dog at home. Training can help your dog build confidence, learn how to interact with other dogs in a safe manner, and give them something else to focus on when you have time to spend with them.


The best way to keep your dog busy and happy is to provide them with ample exercise, mental stimulation and room for exploration. Be sure to give your dog plenty of space to run around, play interactive toys and chew toys, and have plenty of time to explore new smells. You can also keep your dog entertained by making sure they have a comfortable place to sleep and plenty of fresh water to drink. Finally, be sure to spend plenty of time with your dog each and every day!

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