10 Best Dog Breeds for Families

‍Thinking of adding a new furry family member? If you’re looking for an easy-going dog that won’t mind spending their time with kids, or one that will be happy going on long walks and runs, then read on. A dog is the perfect family pet because they offer unconditional love and companionship—it’s no surprise that almost 39% of American households include a dog as a member. With so many different breeds to choose from, however, finding the right one for your family can be tricky. That’s why we have compiled this list of the ten best dog breeds for families to help you make an informed decision before bringing home a new puppy. So let’s get started…

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

First on our list is the Labrador Retriever. This beautiful and sweet-natured breed is a great choice for any family, whether you’re a couple without kids or a family of five. What makes the Labrador so great with kids is their gentle and calm temperament. They are always patient and kind towards children, and they always know how to keep the little ones safe. They are very playful, but they know when to draw the line, which makes them a great family dog for kids of all ages. Labradors are very social animals that love being around people. They are very easy to train because they are eager to please, and they love to spend time with their human pack members.

French Bulldog

French Bulldog

Second on our list is the French Bulldog. This breed is known for being playful, affectionate, and gentle. They love spending time with their human family members, but are not overly energetic, which makes them a great choice for families with younger children. This breed is a wonderful choice for families because they are very easy to train and have a low grooming requirement. They are very adaptable and can adjust to most environments, including a busy home with children. French Bulldogs are known to be very healthy dogs, but they do have some health issues that owners should be aware of, including brachycephalic syndrome, eye issues, and respiratory problems.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a very intelligent and athletic breed that will make an excellent addition to any active family. They are very easy to train, making them a great option for families with young children. They are often used as security and service dogs, so they are very aware of their surroundings and can detect potential danger. They are very loyal towards their human family and make excellent guard dogs, which makes them a great choice for families with young children. German Shepherds are very active dogs that need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. They are very social and interactive with humans, but are not very good with other pets. They can also have a strong prey drive, so they may not be a good choice for families with small animals like cats and rabbits.



Next on our list of the best dog breeds is the Bulldog. These are a playful and loving breed that is a great choice for families with kids. They are very patient and affectionate towards children, and they don’t mind being snuggled, carried, and played with. Bulldogs are very low-maintenance dogs that are extremely easy to care for. They are very adaptable and easygoing, which makes them a great addition to any family. They are also very calm and relaxed dogs that get along well with children and other pets. Bulldogs are a short-haired breed and don’t require a lot of grooming. They do have some health issues that owners should be aware of, including hip dysplasia, respiratory problems, and heart disease.



Poodles are a very intelligent, playful, and gentle breed that is a great choice for families with children. What makes poodles such a great family dog is their patience and ability to be tolerant towards children. Poodles are easy to train and very eager to please, making them a great choice for families with young children. They are very social and friendly dogs that get along well with humans and other pets. Poodles do shed, but they shed very little and can be groomed using regular brushing. They are very sensitive when it comes to being groomed, so they should be handled gently during this process.



Rottweilers are a very loyal and protective breed that is a great choice for families with children. They are very playful and affectionate towards children, but they have a strong protective instinct, which helps keep both children and their families safe. Rottweilers are very intelligent, active, and strong dogs that need plenty of exercise. They are very easy to train because they are very eager to please. They are also great guard dogs that are very aware of their surroundings and can detect potential danger. Rottweilers are very social and friendly dogs that get along well with humans and other pets. They are also very tolerant towards children, but they do need to be supervised because they are very large dogs.



Next on our list is the Dachshund. This small and charming breed is a great choice for families with children and other pets. Dachshunds are very playful, but they are also very affectionate and patient dogs that get along well with children. They are very tolerant and gentle towards children, but they also have a fearless and adventurous side when playing with other dogs. Dachshunds are very easy to train, and they are generally very healthy, but they can be prone to back problems. Dachshunds shed very little, but they do have very long coats that require regular grooming.



The sweet-natured Pug is the perfect family dog. They are loving, playful, and very tolerant towards children. Pugs are very easy to train and they are extremely social and friendly dogs that get along well with humans, other dogs, and even cats. Pugs are very low-maintenance dogs that don’t require a lot of exercise. They are also very adaptable and can adjust to most environments, including a busy home with children. Pugs have a lot of health issues that owners should be aware of, including eye problems, skin issues, and digestive issues.


Australian Shepherd

My personal favorite best dog breed is the Australian Shepherd. This hardworking breed is a great choice for active families. Aussies are very intelligent and athletic dogs that need lots of exercise and mental stimulation. They are very versatile dogs that can excel at different activities, including agility, herding, livestock work, and search and rescue. Aussies are very social, friendly, and affectionate dogs that get along well with humans, other dogs, and even cats. Aussies are very easy to train, but they do have a strong herding instinct, which means they may nip at the heels of younger or less active members of the family. Aussies are very sensitive dogs that can be prone to anxiety, so they need to be included in family activities, or they may become destructive. They also have very long and thick coats, which require regular grooming. They also shed heavily.

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier

Last on our list is the Yorkshire Terrier. This is a great choice for families with children, but they are also an excellent companion for singles. Yorkies are very loving, affectionate, and playful dogs. They are very tolerant towards children and very patient towards their mischievous actions. They are very easy to train, but they can be difficult to housebreak. Yorkies are very adaptable and can adjust to most environments, including a busy home with children. Yorkies are very social and friendly dogs that get along well with humans and other pets. They are also very easy to groom and don’t require a lot of maintenance. A Yorkie’s biggest health issue is the amount of shedding they do. They shed constantly and are a very high-maintenance dog.


There are many different dog breeds to choose from, and each breed has its own set of pros and cons. This short list of best dog breeds should give you some idea of which may be a fit for you. The breed that’s best for you and your family will depend on a variety of factors, including your lifestyle, the size of your home, your budget, and the personalities of the people living in the home. Keep in mind that when bringing a new pet into your home, you are making a commitment for their entire life. Dogs are social animals that crave companionship and affection from their human pack members, and they rely on humans for food, water, and shelter. They also need regular exercise and mental stimulation, and they require regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations.

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